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New Year’s greetings and evil

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newyear 01

Happy New Year.

How was your holidays for the year-end and New year?
We have already informed the members of the New Year ‘s greeting by a newsletter etc.

Also, you came across an unexpected place with a member.
Since it is a senior member, it is also familiar to me and it is okay to have a voice call,
I would be pleased if you could take notice as to other people in public places to say.

As I was calling in a public place where there were a lot of people interested in miles,
It seemed that there were not a few people who noticed my existence.

Well, as you all know,
An alteration of Sorachika card famous among Mylar was announced.
Other people take up the blog as well.
I do not own solatika cards, so I do not have any influence,
Some of our members have that card, so we have already reported that countermeasure.

I think most of my members are not affected.
Let’s save points more quickly and miles this year.

Thank you again this year.“twitter”“Poi search asset ranking”

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