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Singapore Airlines Japan route is more comfortable

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Singapore Airlines will
It is planned to introduce 787-10 to all of Japan routes “Haneda, Narita, Centrair, Kansai, Fukuoka”.

Although I do not think that you know a lot,
Until now, the majority of A330 medium-sized aircraft are excluding Tokyo,
Although it was a life rat equipment that does not become full flat even in business class,
I think that all it is full flat, it is very nice news for users.

In particular, there are many cases where flight departing from Singapore is set at midnight departure,
Considering sleep, I think that the difference between life flat and full flat is big.

Among those who used Centrair, Kansai, Fukuoka departure,
Is not it the news you have been waiting for?

I would like to continue to actively introduce new equipment to the Japanese route in the future.“twitter”“Poi search asset ranking”

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