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JAL Mileage King

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JAL competes for the knowledge of miles “JAL Mileage King Decision Battle” has been started from March 12th.

The final battle will be held in June for those who have passed the qualifying and scheduled finals in April.
The first JAL Mileage King will receive 100,000 miles of JAL miles.

You need a JMB card and an identification card.
Other than the first king, 35,000 miles in second place and 15,000 miles in third place.
Grant 3000 miles to everyone who has entered the final battle.
The final battle issues and answers will be posted on JAL’s website after completion.

It’s interesting. . . .

We have received several voices from members saying, “Does Kain not appear?”

I do not. . . .
If you are a member, you know.
There are circumstances where you can not leave. . . .


Application for registration is here ⇒“twitter”“Poi search asset ranking”

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