Diners Club Great Reform Follow-up
Japan’s diners club is a developing country. . . .
In extremely poor countries, etc., the value of deposits held by citizens can be halved,
Some countries enforce compelling policies, such as confiscating assets under various names.
But that’s not very common in developed countries.
For example,
Suppose you have multiple bank accounts, and each account has a balance of 1 million yen.
A certain bank
“Our deposit balance will be 50% value next year”
If you deposit 1 million yen
“50% worth of 500,000 yen”
He actually announced the same thing.
It ’s just vagus. . . .
Application for registration is here ⇒ http://plc.tank.jp/kains
http://ranking.poitan.net/asset_ranking.php“Poi search asset ranking”
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