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Airplane safety

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Safety of airplane.

September 5 How do you see airline news on New York flight JAL 006?

I think that there are not a few people who have an impression that the airplane is scary at the media biased coverage.
To change viewpoints,
Even if one engine breaks down, it means that it is also the news proving that you can safely land.

The performance of this aircraft is stable flight of 5 hours or more even if one engine fails,
Even if that happened, it seemed to me to prepare for the landing posture by checking the airports that can be landed during that time,
It was that the pilot was trained like that.
It is amazing.

When an airplane crashes it will be a catastrophe as a large number of dead people will come out at once,
According to the survey results of a specialized agency, when comparing the flight accident, the car accident and the death rate
It is said that there are more car crash overwhelmingly.

I think that there is not one among my members who is upset with this news.
Because there is daily membership information, I wondered if the news like this one is surprised.
I think that I am doing my best to earn miles more than that.“twitter”“Poi search asset ranking”

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