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Diners Club Great Destruction

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Diners Club Great Destruction

Already petit flames.

Where are the Japanese diners clubs going? . . .

Since the acquisition of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, it has only been bad.
Only Japanese diners clubs continue to go wrong.
Diners clubs in other countries maintain the old system in most countries.

The target of this change is one of the main services of Diners Club
“Global Mileage”.

Even if you do n’t have an airline partner card,
This service allows you to transfer miles to multiple airlines.
Because there is this service
I think that there are many people who are card holders of Diners Club.

It is a change from February 1, 2020, which has less grace period.
Moreover, it is a “major change” that halves the migration rate.

If you currently have 100,000 points, you can transfer 100,000 miles to partner airlines.
From February 1, 2020, even if 100,000 points are transferred,
It is a “Major Deterioration” with a rate of 50% and 50,000 miles.

It is a card with a different purpose from when it was operated by the former Citibank affiliate.

Speaking of Diners Club,
We have maintained a firm position as a brand card and T & E card.
To Citibank, the former owner,
I was launching a service that would change even if there was a slight change,
After the owner became Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank,
I am trying to become a credit card with a completely different nature.

That only the deficit or the strong deficit system is cut across the board.
I think it’s repeated.

Although it is natural to eliminate such elements as a company
Launch another attractive service and accompany service deterioration
I haven’t stopped the decline in membership.

What are you aiming for, Diners Club Card!


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