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Also United Airlines

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Also United Airlines.

Not long ago from a cabin that is considered a United Airlines aircraft,
A video uploading the checked baggage has been uploaded, and it has become a topic a bit.
When handling of luggage is bad.

Searching for “United Airlines luggage movie”, the corresponding movie will appear quite well.

There is also the possibility of a contractor contracting transportation etc. of baggage in the airport,
I think that it is no doubt that it is carried out from the United aircraft.

I also watched the movie, but in a certain sense it is a usual sight.
When you are looking at an airplane while you are relaxing at an airport lounge etc. overseas,
Drop baggage such as suitcase during transportation,
You can see the scenery throwing baggage when you change it as it is.

Based on the assumption that such a situation will occur,
I think that it is necessary to deposit luggage such as suitcase.
It would be better to think that there are few people carefully handling luggage like a Japanese airport.

I have witnessed the situation similar to this time several times before and recorded what I recorded as video.
I have published it to my members several times.

Of course I also handed down the countermeasure.「twitter」「Poi search asset ranking」

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