JAL will start applying for domestic flights from 330 days before.
Expand the reservation and purchase period for domestic flights from 330 days before the boarding date.
From September 10, 2019 reservations, extended reservation and purchase period for domestic flights.
The same applies to domestic award tickets.
This is bad news or good news!
“Domestic flights should be two months old as before.”
“I can’t decide on a schedule for domestic travel before that.”
There may be many who think that etc.
Depending on the position, it will be different whether it becomes bad news or good news.
When rules are renewed, the rules will be used thoroughly to help improve their own lives.
This is also the basic attitude of the PLC (Premium Life Club) sponsored by me.
Application for registration is here ⇒ http://plc.tank.jp/kains
http://ranking.poitan.net/asset_ranking.php“Poi search asset ranking”
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