Archive for the ‘ クレジットカード ’ Category
I was surprised by the echo. I announced the launch of public offering at the preferential amendment frame of PLC (Premium · Life Club) sponsored by Kain last week.Read more
At last, public offering started. I, Kain’s sponsored PLC (Premium · Life · Club) set a special preferential treatment frame and started public offering. Read more
It is said that JAL is considering the construction of LCC (Cheap Airlines). Jetstar Japan, which JAL also owns, is domestic domestic and international short-distance lines.Read more
I waited for it. ANA plans to introduce it from Tokyo to Honolulu line next spring Total 2-story airplane Airbus A380 model seat and three aircraft designs announced.Read more
SPG Marriott Program Complete Integration Improvement Worse? In the case of full integration of SPG and Marriott’s membership program, It is quite exciting by many blogger ‘s contributions.Read more