Archive for the ‘ 未分類 ’ Category

  1. JAL_tokutenn01

    JAL Award Ticket PLUS PS PS JAL’s newly announced “International Award Ticket PLUS” For those who have been able to go only in the top season so far and who can afford miles, It may be good news.Read more

  2. mileagetuika01

    This seems to be a disturbance. JAL, on July 12, concerning “international award tickets” that can be exchanged by accumulating miles, “International flight award ticket PLUS” which can be reserved by adding additional miles,Read more

  3. AMEX_convini01

    AMEX convenience store 20% cash back campaign in progress. It’s a pleasant campaign. AMEX is a good way to campaign around here.Read more

  4. affiliate01

    There are many people who are saving miles and points with affiliates. For those who are said to be land Mylar’s SNS, “Leverage affiliates and earn miles and points!” I think that there are so many patterns that I am guiding.Read more

  5. dokokanimairu05

    It seems to be a great mile somewhere. ~ JAL “Mile somewhere” to railway unlimited option JR Shikoku free ticket from 3500 miles ~ JAL and JR Shikoku, Nomura Research Institute For those who decided “destination somewhere” for each destination in Shikoku,Read more



   Profile of KAIN

私はポイント・マイルを駆使し、これまでに国内や海外旅行をほぼ無料で旅するという事を実践してきました。 何故そんな事が出来るのか? それがこのクラブのノウハウです。 私と縁のある方々が少しでもそのノウハウを身につけ、価値ある人生を送れたらと願っています。
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