1. d_point02

    d Point 25% increase campaign 2018 thorough utilization I touched on last time, d point 2018 increase campaign. If you shift the target point by one million points, It is a limited time d point, but 250,000 yen will be awarded.Read more

  2. d_point01

    This year also began. “2018 d point transition 25% increase campaign”With the schedule later than the whole year, will not we hold this year? Although information was also flighting, It was held.Read more

  3. surcharge02

    Future Trends in Fuel Surcharge JAL and ANA of two Japanese affiliates continued the same amount of fuel surcharge for December and January tickets, After February 19th. . . .Read more

  4. surcharge01

    Trend of fuel surcharge in the future JAL announced the same amount of fuel surcharge for December and January tickets issued the day before.Read more

  5. Emirates Etihad Airways01

    Is the Emirates Airlines considering the acquisition of Etihad Airways? Although some news was reported in part, Is it realistic?Read more



   Profile of KAIN

私はポイント・マイルを駆使し、これまでに国内や海外旅行をほぼ無料で旅するという事を実践してきました。 何故そんな事が出来るのか? それがこのクラブのノウハウです。 私と縁のある方々が少しでもそのノウハウを身につけ、価値ある人生を送れたらと願っています。
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