Archive for the ‘ KAIN ’

  1. 20191227

    LINE Pay cannot be used! Solution Although LINE Pay had usage restrictions on December 6, It seems that usage restrictions were lifted on December 22.Read more

  2. 20191220

    “LINE Pay cannot be used!” After that, various voices were received from various areas. I think it reflects the current attention of QR code settlement.Read more

  3. 20191213

    LINE Pay cannot be used! Have been reported recently. In addition to PLC members, I’ve been listening to them from around.Read more

  4. 20191129

    (日本語) 陸マイラーもブラックフライデーを徹底活用。 様々な業種でブラックフライデー絡みの大型キャンペーンが開催中。 そのおかげでマイルやポイントを大量獲得出来る機会になってます。続きを読む

  5. 20191122

    Diners Club Great Change 改 Part 3 Diners Club Card, one of Riku Mylar’s leading credit cards. Around me, There are many old members who have been using Diners Card since ancient times. Read more



   Profile of KAIN

私はポイント・マイルを駆使し、これまでに国内や海外旅行をほぼ無料で旅するという事を実践してきました。 何故そんな事が出来るのか? それがこのクラブのノウハウです。 私と縁のある方々が少しでもそのノウハウを身につけ、価値ある人生を送れたらと願っています。
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