1. ANA_zaseki01

    t seems that ANA will charge part of pre-seating for International Economy Class in advance. “For some fares, specify the seat for the large emergency exit under the foot and the aisle / window for the front of the cabin. Get paid. “Read more

  2. QR code01

    Various points and QR code settlement are explosively popular for payment at retail stores. For QR code settlement such as PayPay and LinePay, the spread campaign is supported by the reduction campaigns of each company, led by the convenience store.Read more

  3. fuel_surcharge03

    The fuel surcharge is significantly reduced. The fuel surcharge charged for ticketing from April 1 will be significantly reduced. Compared to the end of March, it will be 21,000 yen cheaper on round trips on Western routes.Read more

  4. MileKing01

    JAL competes for the knowledge of miles “JAL Mileage King Decision Battle” has been started from March 12th. The final battle will be held in June for those who have passed the qualifying and scheduled finals in April. The first JAL Mileage King will receive 100,000 miles of JAL miles.Read more

  5. fuel_surcharge02

    The fuel surcharge of the airline ticketing in April and May for airlines operating in Japan other than JAL and ANA Each company has officially announced that it will drop substantially in line with JAL and ANA.Read more



   Profile of KAIN

私はポイント・マイルを駆使し、これまでに国内や海外旅行をほぼ無料で旅するという事を実践してきました。 何故そんな事が出来るのか? それがこのクラブのノウハウです。 私と縁のある方々が少しでもそのノウハウを身につけ、価値ある人生を送れたらと願っています。
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